Thursday, 24 January 2008

Hello from foggy Valladolid


I'm Jon Clark and I live in the northern central part of Spain. When we have very foggy weather as during all this week, it usually means that it is very sunny and warm on the coast (over 200 km away). Here it is only 3ÂșC and dark.

I'm looking forward to being your tutor for this course and finding out about you.

Apart from working on this course, I also teach in a large language school here in Valladolid and am an examiner for various Cambridge exams.

When I get some free time, I like doing exercise with my family. Our latest interest is discovering 'vias verdes', which are disused railway lines which have been converted into cycling, walking and and horse riding routes. I prefer to cycle.

Here in Spain we have a general election on 9 March, in which I am very interested. it seems that the winner will be the political party which can reassure people most about the economy. I think this must be the same in many countries.

I hope to meet you soon and I will try to help you get the best out of this course.

Best wishes


Valladolid, Spain

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